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Ask Amy: Is it okay for new homeowners to seek gifts for first meetings?

Jul 25, 2023

Gift giving (Getty Images)Getty Images

Dear Amy: My husband and I are buying our first home, we are thrilled! We will be moving in within the next couple of months, and are eager to meet our new neighbors.

Our plan is to take a few minutes to knock on the door of each neighbor to say a quick hello and introduce our family of three.

I would like to bring along a small gift to each neighbor when we meet them, but am hesitant to bring homemade food items, due to unknown dietary restrictions and any possible discomfort someone may have with eating homemade food from a complete stranger.

Is there another token gift I could give that would be appropriate for a first meeting?

– New to the Neighborhood

Dear New: I appreciate your friendly spirit, but I do NOT think it is a good idea to knock on strangers’ doors, even if they are your neighbors.

I can think of many reasons, ranging from the benign (someone is in the tub, working from home, or simply shy) to the deadly (you are mistaken for an intruder).

When you are new to a neighborhood, the best way to get to know people is to be outdoors, and – if you see a neighbor, wave, smile, and introduce yourself. Ask a couple of questions about garbage collection and the recycling schedule. You could then drop off a baked good as a thank you (note the ingredients, and they can decide whether to consume it).

(You can email Amy Dickinson at [email protected] or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or Facebook.)

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